Welcoming Our Second Cohort of Mentees

On 2 May 2022, Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing wel­comed new mentees who will embark on their long-term men­tor­ing jour­neys towards excel­lence in STEMM. Appli­cants came from five con­ti­nents and were select­ed for par­tic­i­pa­tion after first being nom­i­nat­ed by one of our part­ner insti­tu­tions and then com­plet­ing our com­pre­hen­sive appli­ca­tion. These excep­tion­al­ly tal­ent­ed, pas­sion­ate youths join the inau­gur­al cohort of mentees that start­ed in our men­tor­ing pro­gram last April. 
With a new year of men­tor­ing, we wel­come new dreams and ambi­tions to our inter­na­tion­al men­tor­ing com­mu­ni­ty. One new mentee from East Asia would like to use genet­ic engi­neer­ing to erad­i­cate food­borne dis­eases. A moti­vat­ed stu­dent from Europe would like to work with a men­tor on mak­ing quan­tum com­put­ers avail­able for con­sumers. And a tal­ent­ed youth from South Asia aspires to bet­ter detect dor­mant can­cer cells in order to pre­vent the resur­gence of tumors. These are just a few of the exam­ples of the dreams dri­ving the high­ly tal­ent­ed, pas­sion­ate youths who have joined our men­tor­ing pro­gram this month. 
In our first year of men­tor­ing, we intro­duced enhance­ments to our online men­tor­ing plat­form that we are excit­ed to share with the incom­ing class of mentees. First-year plat­form addi­tions includ­ed an area to post about achieve­ments and oppor­tu­ni­ties, enhanced pro­files designed to track goals and goal achieve­ment, and mem­bers-only com­mu­ni­ty events. In the upcom­ing men­tor­ing year, we will also roll out a col­lab­o­ra­tion area where par­tic­i­pants can cre­ate joint projects with each oth­er. In our long-term men­tor­ing pro­gram, where mentees can par­tic­i­pate for up to ten years, we look for­ward to fos­ter­ing the STEMM tal­ent devel­op­ment of all of the out­stand­ing youths in our pro­gram by pro­vid­ing a struc­tured online men­tor­ing and net­work­ing expe­ri­ence that effec­tive­ly sup­ports their needs. 
We have already matched most of our new mentees with men­tors will­ing to vol­un­teer their time and STEMM exper­tise. These new mentee–mentor dyads are cur­rent­ly in the ear­ly stages of get­ting to know each oth­er. Because of the spe­cial­ized nature of the mentees’ inter­ests, how­ev­er, we are still seek­ing addi­tion­al STEMM expert men­tors. We there­fore encour­age you to invest in the future of your STEMM field by men­tor­ing a young STEMM tal­ent. Please vis­it our Cur­rent Men­tor Needs page to reg­is­ter as a men­tor today! 

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