
Our men­tors are lead­ing experts in their respec­tive STEMM field who have a proven track record of out­stand­ing accom­plish­ments. Men­tors are not only dis­tin­guished through for­mal edu­ca­tion (e.g., a MS or PhD), but also pro­fes­sion­al achieve­ments (e.g., inter­na­tion­al pub­li­ca­tions, patents, inven­tions). Prac­tic­ing sci­en­tists, pro­fes­sors, researchers, and devel­op­ers are just some of the exam­ples of excep­tion­al indi­vid­u­als who reg­u­lar­ly vol­un­teer their time to share their knowl­edge, expe­ri­ence, and pas­sion for their STEMM field. In addi­tion to inspir­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of STEMM lead­ers, men­tors have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to net­work with one anoth­er by being part of the Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing community.

Through Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing, men­tors can also cul­ti­vate men­tor­ing skills with pro­fes­sion­al­ly devel­oped and admin­is­tered men­tor­ing train­ing, feed­back, and par­tic­i­pa­tion certificates.

Mentor Profile

Distinctive STEMM Expertise

Men­tors are lead­ing experts in their respec­tive STEMM field. They have demon­strat­ed this exper­tise first­ly through for­mal edu­ca­tion, typ­i­cal­ly hav­ing earned a grad­u­ate-lev­el ter­tiary degree (e.g., a PhD). Sec­ond­ly, men­tors are active researchers or devel­op­ers in their respec­tive STEMM dis­ci­plines (e.g., in a uni­ver­si­ty research or cor­po­rate R&D capac­i­ty), as evi­denced through, for exam­ple, inter­na­tion­al pub­li­ca­tions, patents, or out­stand­ing pro­fes­sion­al accom­plish­ments in a STEMM field.


Men­tors should be com­mit­ted to offer­ing long-term sup­port to their respec­tive mentee. We there­fore ask that men­tors be open to vol­un­teer­ing for a longer peri­od, ide­al­ly for sev­er­al years, but at least for one year. Men­tors should also be ready to spend approx­i­mate­ly 30 min­utes per week with their respec­tive mentee. Men­tors are, of course, free to invest more time men­tor­ing and net­work­ing on the plat­form. The 30 min­utes is a rough min­i­mum expec­ta­tion and does not need to be spent in one block of time.


As Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing is a glob­al pro­gram, men­tors are like­ly to be matched with mentees from oth­er coun­tries or even con­ti­nents. There­fore, Eng­lish is the only lan­guage used and men­tors should be able to effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cate in English.

Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing vets all inter­est­ed men­tor appli­cants before accept­ing them as par­tic­i­pants. This vet­ting process includes con­fir­ma­tion of the valid­i­ty of their pro­file and no crim­i­nal background.

Interested in volunteering as a mentor?