Quick Start Guide to the Mentoring Platform for Mentors

Welcome, new Mentor!

We are excit­ed that you are about to start your men­tor­ing jour­ney with Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing! To help you get start­ed, we have pre­pared a Quick Start Guide for you. Please fol­low these steps to help you get start­ed on the men­tor­ing platform: 


Log in for the First Time
You will soon receive an email with a spe­cial link and a user­name for your first-time login. Use that link to log in to the plat­form for the first time. This link is only for your first login. Once logged into the plat­form suc­cess­ful­ly, you will be prompt­ed to set a new password. 


Review and Consent
Before you can ful­ly access the plat­form, you must first read and con­sent to two impor­tant doc­u­ments for par­tic­i­pat­ing in Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing: the program’s Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy and Code of Con­duct. You will only be able to pro­ceed to the plat­form after con­sent­ing to the Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy and Code of Conduct. 


Provide Information
To help ensure the safe­ty of the youths in the pro­gram, we ask all men­tors to con­firm your iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and that you have no crim­i­nal record . If you already ver­i­fied both of these points, then there is noth­ing more you need to do here, and you can pro­ceed to Step 4. If you have not yet pro­vid­ed us with this infor­ma­tion, then you will be asked to do so upon your first login. In that case, we will ask you to upload a copy of an ID doc­u­ment that includes a pho­to of your­self (e.g., your pass­port infor­ma­tion page) and con­firm that you have no crim­i­nal record. Please have a copy of a pho­to ID doc­u­ment ready when you log into the plat­form for the first time. 


Orient Yourself
We pre­pared a video to wel­come you to the pro­gram and help you famil­iar­ize your­self with the plat­form. The video pro­vides an overview of the pro­gram and its unique fea­tures. You will find the video by click­ing on Resources in the top nav­i­ga­tion bar and choos­ing Train­ing Resources. Train­ing Unit 1 is the wel­come video. Also, the Hand­book for Men­tors describes unique pro­gram aspects and includes step-by-step instruc­tions for using the plat­form. There are two ways you can access and down­load your hand­book. In the right side bar, towards the bot­tom, you will find the hand­book under My Sup­port Mate­r­i­al. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can click Resources on the top nav­i­ga­tion bar, choose My Resources from the drop-down menu, and down­load the hand­book from there. 


Edit Your Profile
To edit your Pro­file page, click on the small cir­cle on the top-right cor­ner of the plat­form. This will open a drop-down menu. Click on My Pro­file in the drop-down menu. This will show your pro­file infor­ma­tion. On top of your Pro­file page, click on Edit Pro­file, which will allow you to edit your pro­file infor­ma­tion. Please ver­i­fy the infor­ma­tion we import­ed from your Men­tor Vol­un­teer Form, update and cor­rect it as need­ed, upload a pro­file pic­ture, and pro­vide more infor­ma­tion about your­self. Com­plet­ing your pro­file and keep­ing it up-to-date is an impor­tant step that will help oth­er mentees and men­tors more eas­i­ly reach out to you and col­lab­o­rate with you. More instruc­tions for the Pro­file page can be found in the Pro­file Page sec­tion of the Hand­book for Mentors. 


Get to Know Your Mentee
Your mentee should soon reach out to you, so be sure to check your account for any new mes­sages or chat mes­sages. Use the first cou­ple weeks for intro­duc­tions and get­ting to know your mentee. Train­ing Unit 3 offers some tips for how to get started. 

Happy Mentoring

You are now ready to help inspire the next gen­er­a­tion of STEMM tal­ent at Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing.

After your first login, please always access the plat­form via https://mentoring.globaltalentmentoring.org with the user­name and the new pass­word you set dur­ing your first login. When ques­tions arise, we will make every effort to help you prompt­ly. Please reach out to your pro­gram rep­re­sen­ta­tive when you have ques­tions or ideas. They are there to help you and hap­py to hear from you.

We hope you have a won­der­ful men­tor­ing expe­ri­ence with Glob­al Tal­ent Mentoring!