Tamale Technical University

Partner Institution

Type of institution


Institution location

Tamale, Ghana 

Institution website

About the institution

Tamale Tech­ni­cal uni­ver­si­ty (TaTU) is Africa’s pre­mier Uni­ver­si­ty in north­ern Ghana in the deliv­ery of world-class tech­ni­cal and voca­tion­al edu­ca­tion. The uni­ver­si­ty traces its his­to­ry to a trades school in 1951 and a tech­ni­cal insti­tute in 1963. The uni­ver­si­ty has a diverse stu­dent pop­u­la­tion of about 7,000. Strong pro­mo­tion of cul­tur­al diver­si­ty is reflect­ed in the stu­dent num­bers and back­ground. TaTU is a mem­ber of the Com­mon­wealth Asso­ci­a­tion of Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ties and Poly­tech­nics in Africa. It also has mem­ber­ship of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Prin­ci­pals of Tech­ni­cal Insti­tutes, Ghana and Con­fer­ence of Rec­tors of Poly­tech­nics and Vice-Chan­cel­lors of Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ties, Ghana. TaTU has a very good stand­ing in inter­na­tion­al uni­ver­si­ty rank­ings in the area of applied research and tech­nol­o­gy, as evi­denced through sev­er­al awards. 

Partner Representative

Dr. Abdulai Abdul-Mumin

Senior lec­tur­er of sta­tis­ti­cal sci­ences at Tamale Tech­ni­cal University 


Type of partnership

Mentee nom­i­nat­ing, men­tor nominating 

Catchment area
