Keio University

Partner Institution

Type of institution


Institution location

Tokyo, Japan 

Institution website

About the institution

Estab­lished in 1858 by Yukichi Fukuza­wa as a small school of West­ern learn­ing, Keio has a his­to­ry as Japan’s very first pri­vate insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing. Over 160 years since its found­ing, Keio has thrived under its founder’s mot­to of jit­sug­aku, or empir­i­cal sci­ence, as it con­tin­ues to trans­form Japan as a mod­ern nation through con­tri­bu­tions to edu­ca­tion, research, and med­i­cine. Today, Keio Uni­ver­si­ty oper­ates six major cam­pus­es in Tokyo and Kana­gawa, along with five oth­er cam­pus­es with spe­cif­ic aca­d­e­m­ic or research func­tions. Keio’s net­work of affil­i­at­ed schools extends beyond its uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus­es and includes one ful­ly accred­it­ed high school in the State of New York.

Partner Representative

Prof. Dr. Hiroyoshi Inoue

School of Med­i­cine, Keio University 


Type of partnership

Coor­di­nat­ing, mentee nom­i­nat­ing, men­tor nominating 

Catchment area
