EU STEM Coalition

Partner Institution

Type of institution

STEM-edu­ca­tion network 

Institution location

Utrecht, The Nether­lands; The Hague, The Netherlands 

Institution website

EU STEM Coalition logo II

About the institution

The EU STEM Coali­tion is an EU-wide net­work that works to build bet­ter STEM edu­ca­tion in Europe. The goal of the EU STEM Coali­tion is to shape STEM edu­ca­tion poli­cies and prac­tices that fos­ter eco­nom­ic growth, oppor­tu­ni­ty, and well-being for all. Togeth­er with pol­i­cy mak­ers, edu­ca­tion providers, and indus­try, the EU STEM Coali­tion works on pro­mot­ing new ways of deliv­er­ing edu­ca­tion and find­ing and shar­ing evi­dence-based solu­tions to skills mis­matched in STEM. From reduc­ing short­ages of STEM-skilled peo­ple to fos­ter­ing new ways in which edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, com­pa­nies, and gov­ern­ments can coop­er­ate, the EU STEM Coali­tion pro­vides a unique forum and knowl­edge hub for data and analy­sis, best-prac­tice shar­ing, and direct support.

Partner Representative

Dutch National STEM Platform
(Platform Talent voor Technologie)

Cur­rent sec­re­tari­at of the EU STEM Coalition 


Type of partnership


Catchment area

Euro­pean Union