Colombian College of Neurosciences (COLNE)
Colegio Colombiano de Neurociencias (COLNE)
Partner Institution
Type of institution
Research organization
Institution location
Bogotá, Colombia
Institution website

About the institution
COLNE’s fundamental purpose is to promote research and integration of Colombian researchers in the field of Neurosciences, among themselves and with the international community. In this way, contribute to the development of basic and applied solutions to frontier scientific problems in the field. To achieve this, it will promote the development of the specialized scientific community within an environment of intellectual collaboration, camaraderie, and union identity, which can propose in the short, medium, and long term ways of diffusion, appropriation, and social application of scientific knowledge. COLNE intends to actively participate in the development of research in the field of Neurosciences in Colombia and Latin America, promote academic activities for the dissemination and collaboration of national and international research, as well as contribute to the construction of a knowledge society.
Partner Representative
Dr. Lina Vanessa Becerra Hernández
Type of partnership
Catchment area