Advanced Material Pandemic and Future Preparedness Taskforce (AMPT)

Partner Institution

Type of institution

Inter­na­tion­al pub­lic-ben­e­fit initiative 

Institution location

Nashville, Ten­nessee, Unit­ed States 

Institution website

About the institution

The Advanced Mate­r­i­al Pan­dem­ic and Future Pre­pared­ness Task­force (AMPT) is an inde­pen­dent, inter­na­tion­al pub­lic-ben­e­fit orga­ni­za­tion com­mit­ted to facil­i­tat­ing the glob­al use of advanced mate­ri­als to solve some of humanity’s most imme­di­ate chal­lenges. The task­force engages thought lead­ers from acad­e­mia, indus­try, and pol­i­cy-mak­ing orga­ni­za­tions to cre­ate an inter­na­tion­al “Future Pre­pared­ness” infra­struc­ture and to shape nation­al and inter­na­tion­al agen­das that will max­i­mize the impact of advanced mate­ri­als on soci­ety and human life. Cur­rent­ly with over 15 coun­try chap­ters, 10 work­ing groups and over 30 insti­tu­tions, AMPT is set to estab­lish a com­pre­hen­sive roadmap, library of knowl­edge, and map of user-cen­tric needs to deliv­er a frame­work to devise strate­gies, coor­di­nate glob­al activ­i­ties, and fast track solu­tions to address the tech­no­log­i­cal and soci­etal needs of the post-pan­dem­ic world.

Partner Representative

Dr. Zina Jarrahi Cinker

AMPT Direc­tor General 


Type of partnership

Men­tor nominating 

Catchment area

Glob­al South