Prof. Dr. Ueli Maurer
(Zürich, Switzerland)
Notable Achievement
Words of Support
Prof. Dr. Ueli Maurer is a Swiss cryptographer who is full professor of computer science and head of the Information Security and Cryptography research group at the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science at the public research university, ETH Zurich. Prof. Dr. Maurer demonstrated that the Diffie-Hellman problem is, under certain conditions, equivalent to solving the discrete log problem. The distinguished professor also holds several patents for cryptographic systems. He is the winner of the prestigious 2016 RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics for his work and results in information theoretic-based cryptography. Prof. Dr. Maurer’s research interests include information security, the theory and applications of cryptography, applications such as digital signatures, public-key infrastructures, digital payment systems, and e‑voting, the management of trust and digital evidence, mathematical security proofs, theoretical computer science, discrete mathematics, and information theory.