Dr. Rena Subotnik
Gifted education and talent development researcher
American Psychological Association
(Washington, D.C., United States)
(Washington, D.C., United States)

Notable Achievement
Invitation by the Association for Psychological Science to write a synthesis on giftedness for their high impact journal, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, bringing this topic to the attention of a broad audience of scholars and practitioners
Words of Support
“Global Talent Mentoring is important in at least three ways:
- Mentoring serves to socialize talented young people into the intellectual and aesthetic values of STEM.
- Most particularly, mentoring provides guidance in the transition from school science to “real” science where answers are not already known.
- Finally, it is essential to offer mentoring to young people passionate about STEM who are geographically remote.”
Rena F. Subotnik PhD is Director of the Center for Psychology in Schools and Education at the American Psychological Association (APA). One of the Center’s missions is to generate public awareness, advocacy, clinical applications, and cutting-edge research ideas that enhance the achievement and performance of children and adolescents with gifts and talents in all domains. She has been supported in this work by the National Science Foundation, the American Psychological Foundation, the Association for Psychological Science, and the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation. Before she came to APA in 2001, Dr. Subotnik was a Professor of Educational Psychology at Hunter College in New York City, and Research Coordinator for the Hunter College Campus Schools (K‑12 laboratory school for 1,600 gifted children). Her work (with Paula Olszewski-Kubilius and Frank Worrell) is published in Scientific American, Scientific American Mind, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Frontiers in Psychology, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, and the Annual Review of Psychology.