Oda Holzknecht
Joined Global Talent Mentoring in April 2021
Physical Sciences
Nominated by CyberMentor
Specific Research Interest


I Love My STEMM Subject Because

“The mag­ic of life” is what I often­times refer to when talk­ing about Bio­chem­istry. Ever since I was lit­tle, I have been cap­ti­vat­ed by the notion that every­thing around is explic­a­ble with sci­ence and this fas­ci­na­tion has con­tin­u­ous­ly drawn me in. I recall pon­der­ing ques­tions such as “What are we and the objects around us made of? Why can I move and talk, while the tree next to me can­not?” from a young age. To me, bio­chem­istry is the secret lan­guage of life, where the mol­e­cules inter­act, the ener­gy flows and — from the tini­est cell to the might­i­est blue whale- every­thing works togeth­er in har­mo­ny. Bio­chem­istry is fun­da­men­tal­ly about dis­cov­er­ing and uncov­er­ing the blue­print that defines our entire exis­tence. It is the sci­ence that turns curios­i­ty into dis­cov­ery, bridg­ing the gap between the sim­plest atoms and the com­plex­i­ty of entire ecosystems.

Activities and Recognitions
  • Win­ner of the region­al Jugend debat­tiert, a debate com­pe­ti­tion for young peo­ple, Bern, Ger­many (2024)
  • Mem­ber of the Astron­o­my Club at Kan­ton­ss­chule Zofin­gen, Switzer­land (2024)
  • Board mem­ber of Deutsche Esperan­to-Jugend (DEJ), an orga­ni­za­tion pro­mot­ing Esperan­to among young peo­ple, Ger­many (since 2023)
  • Youth Pan­elist at Mind­ful­ness, Nature, and Cli­mate Edu­ca­tion Sum­mit, a forum inte­grat­ing mind­ful­ness prac­tices with envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tion (2022)
  • Win­ner of Berlin­er Märchen­t­age, a writ­ing com­pe­ti­tion held annu­al­ly in Berlin, Ger­many (2021)
  • Mem­ber and co-orga­niz­er of YOUTH X YOUTH, a glob­al com­mu­ni­ty of youth activists and adult allies (since 2020)
  • Mem­ber of Cyber­Men­tor, Ger­many’s largest online men­tor­ing pro­gram for girls in STEM sub­jects (since 2019)

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