Eleftheria Giokrousi
Joined Global Talent Mentoring in February 2022
Greece | France
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Nominated by CTY Greece
Specific Research Interest

Bio­med­ical Engi­neer­ing | Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Sys­tem | Epi­demi­ol­o­gy and Pre­ven­tive Med­i­cine | Med­ical Genet­ics | Inter­nal Med­i­cine | Infec­tious Dis­ease | Neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gy | Phys­i­cal Med­i­cine and Reha­bil­i­ta­tion | Psy­chi­a­try | Sal­mo­nel­la and Antimi­cro­bial Resistance

I Love My STEMM Subject Because

I have always been inter­est­ed in med­i­cine and bio­med­ical sci­ences. Through­out the years I have had many oppor­tu­ni­ties to par­tic­i­pate in extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties that have allowed me to dis­cov­er dif­fer­ent aspects of my STEMM sub­ject. The more I dis­cov­ered the field, the more I “fell in love” with my STEMM sub­ject. Although I am inter­est­ed in oth­er STEMM sub­jects as well, what fas­ci­nates me about bio­med­ical sci­ences is how close­ly it is relat­ed to humans and every­thing that sur­rounds and affects us. That is why I decid­ed to study med­i­cine, to com­bine the 2 fields that inter­est me the most: bio­med­i­cine and social sciences.

Activities and Recognitions
  • Med­i­cine stu­dent at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Stras­bourg, France (since 2022)

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