Matthew Chin
Joined Global Talent Mentoring in May 2022
Mathematics and Statistics
Nominated by HKAGE
Specific Research Interest

Glob­al Warm­ing | Quan­tum Physics | Sta­tis­ti­cal Physics | Num­ber Theory

I love my STEMM subject because

Through my love for prob­lem solv­ing, my inter­est in Math has grown over the years. Whether it is the rig­or Olympiads, or the ele­gance of con­struct­ing equa­tions to describe real-life phe­nom­e­na, I am always eager to devel­op my sci­en­tif­ic understanding.

Activities and Recognition
  • Bach­e­lor can­di­date for Applied Math­e­mat­ics at Har­vard Col­lege, class of 2029
  • Har­vard Book Prize (2023)
  • 1st Hon­ors in Hong Kong Physics Olympiad (2021, 2022)
  • Top Gold at the British Physics Olympiad (2021, 2022)
  • Gold awardee at the UK Chem­istry Olympiad (2022, 2023)
  • 1st Dis­tinc­tion at the British Math­e­mat­ics Olympiad (2020, 2021, 2022)
  • 3rd Hon­ours at the Chi­na Physics Olympiad (2022)
  • Hon­or­able Men­tions at the Iran­ian Geom­e­try Olympiad (2022)

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