Important milestone for Global Talent Mentoring

Along with more than 30 part­ner insti­tu­tions around the globe and the tire­less sup­port of the UNESCO-affil­i­at­ed Ham­dan Foun­da­tion, we took a big step today towards mak­ing Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing, the Ham­dan Foundation’s vision­ary world­wide online men­tor­ing hub for excel­lence in sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy, engi­neer­ing, math­e­mat­ics, and med­ical sci­ences (STEMM), a reality.

Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing opened appli­ca­tions today for more than 500 remark­ably dri­ven youths from 23 coun­tries. All of them have been nom­i­nat­ed by lead­ers in tal­ent devel­op­ment in their respec­tive communities.

The youths now have until 30 Novem­ber 2020 to com­plete their appli­ca­tions. After that, we will select the strongest appli­cants to join Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing as mentees ear­ly next year. Start­ing in March 2021, mentees will receive a one-of-a-kind online men­tor­ing and net­work­ing expe­ri­ence for the next ca. 10 years—completely free of charge.

Prof. Dr. Hei­drun Stoeger, our part­ner insti­tu­tions, and the Ham­dan Foun­da­tion have been work­ing hard to recruit out­stand­ing STEMM experts as vol­un­teer men­tors for these very wor­thy youths. We now have more than 150 com­mit­ted men­tor vol­un­teers. How­ev­er, we still need more men­tors in order to make excel­lent mentor–matches with­in indi­vid­ual STEMM domains. 

Please help us make Glob­al Tal­ent Men­tor­ing a full suc­cess for these hard­work­ing youths. If you are a prac­tic­ing STEMM expert (PhD or equiv­a­lent, e.g., R&D expe­ri­ence), con­sid­er sign­ing up as a men­tor in this one-of-a-kind, online men­tor­ing pro­gram. If your net­work includes STEMM experts, please sup­port our mentees by shar­ing my men­tor call with­in your network.

After run­ning online and offline men­tor­ing pro­grams in Ger­many for 15 years, we can assure you that vol­un­teer­ing is well worth it! You will make a huge pos­i­tive dif­fer­ence in the life of a tal­ent­ed, STEMM-pas­sion­ate youth; and you will become part of a rar­efied, mem­bers-only net­work of like-mind­ed experts on five continents. 

1 comment

  1. Riya

    Glob­al tal­ent men­tor­ing is a great con­cept. Men­tor­ing is a great deed.

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